Monday, July 19, 2010

To RUN or not to RUN?

That sounds like a political reference. Inadvertent. I am not running for any office. Although, that one day might be on the agenda. For today I am talking about the "putting one foot in front of the other" type of running. For some strange reason, I have this intriguing bug in my head about running. I might blame it on my pops, who was a marathoner, back in his heyday, or the fact that my sister is relentlessly busting through her running goals. I am a competitor. The problem is though, that me and the road just aren't getting along as well as I would have hoped we would. My shins hurt. My feet don't enjoy it. Worse still is that the little bug in my head still hasn't burst into a "I HAVE to run to feel better today" inexplicable joy that so many often talk about, but have a hard time describing.

Enter Trail Running. This, my friends, is the answer. I like hiking. (Wow I just wrote 3 different forms of kinky while attempting to spell hiking. Awesome.) I like mountains, I want to like running. Why not the mountains...on a hiking trail?!?! Problem solved. So much solved, that I signed up for my first a month. I'll keep you posted. Now I need to get some shoes...

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